Piper & Gold Public Relations is a team of PR problem-solvers located in REO Town. The team works with a diverse network of nonprofits, government agencies, and small businesses throughout Michigan and beyond to effect positive change and social justice through communications.
Strategy and planning, social and digital media management, media relations, and community relations are P&G’s bread and butter. The P&G team prides itself on helping identify and facilitate partnerships and opportunities that lead to a big impact for their clients and the community.
Business Location: 1000 South Washington Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48910 Phone: (517) 999-0820Website: https://www.piperandgold.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piperandgoldInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/piperandgold/Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/piper-&-gold-public-relations/